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Years of Experience

Our Services

Dredge Masters undertakes large Sea defence and Coastal Protection Projects


Marine Engineering

Sea Defense

Specialized Civil Works

Our Scope of Services

Dam and Reservoir Dredging

A large majority of Dams and Reservoirs are heavily silted and thus have lost significant capacity to store Water and thus causing draught/ shortage of Water in Dry seasons and resulting in floods in the times of heavy rains. DML has state of art Cutter Suction Dredgers and other Equipment to restore the capacity of dams.

Flood Control, Urban Drainage and Lagoon Dredging

DML has vast experience and Fleet for the Dredging of lagoons, Rivers, and Urban Drainage in order to tackle the problem of siltation, pollution, and Floods.

Environmental Dredging

DML is an experienced Contractor for specialized environmental projects and has an impeccable track record for the same.

Sea Defense

Dredge Masters Limited is also known for coastal protection. Our main objective is to protect and stabilize the coastline to protect life and property as well as sustain bio-diversity along the costline.

Marine and other specialized Civil Works

DML specializes in marine civil works such as construction of storm water drains, bridges, dykes, and quay walls. We also carry out geotechnical studies and other survey works associated with the civil works. DML has recently diversified in Construction of Engineered Landfills, Large Drain Construction Projects and Engineered Waste Management Plants.